Massage Works Stroud
Soul Full Living
Shiatsu and Acupressure Massage
I qualified, after three years of intensive study, with the Kikai School of Shiatsu in 2005, under Gray Crisp and Chris Osbourne. I completed my first year with the British school of Shiatsu under Doe Warnes. I learned the classical style at the British school and the more zen style at the kikai school. It was rich mix of approaches, and both schools taught both styles.
Shamanic Soul Retrieval
I have been journeying on a regular basis for three years now . This led to complete 14 days of 12 hour day training in Classical Shamanism at the Sacred Trust in Dorset
I am not practicing Soul Retrieval in a Tipi in Woodchester, just outside Stroud
Continuous professional
I continuously receive Block Clearance at the Tree of Life .
And have had 2 years in Jungian Therapy doing extraordinary work with dreams!
I regularly do shamanic journeying for guidance and support.
I dance the five rhythms on a weekly basis
I am in a Women in Power Circle and am in the process of setting up a co-gender circle.
I have completed three different Shadow work weekends.